Meet The Cotinga – The Breathtaking Electric Blue Bird (+6 Pics)

The blue and purple feathers blend perfectly together, writes kingdomstv.
The Cotinga bird is known for its electric blue and deep purple plumage.
Reaching 7.5 inches in length, the bird is covered in blue with touches of purple feather on the chin, throat, and upper chest.
It is truly a one-of-a-kind bird.
The wings are tails are black with greenish-blue margins.
The beautifully bright Cotinga is a member of the Cotingidae family.
The females are duller with brown plumage.
They distribute in Southern Mexico all the way down to Panama. They are commonly found in Guatemala, Belize, Costa Rica, Honduras, and Nicaragua.
Thanks to the large range, the population of this cotinga are now stable and considered as of Least Concern by the ICUN.
The birds tend to live in humid forests and in woodland edges with higher canopy.
Their diet mainly consists of fruit, but they can also eat small lizards and insects if they are available nearby.
Source: kingdomstv