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Left For Dead In A Fish Tank Sealed With Concrete, These Puppies Were Saved By An Angel

Whoever did this was expecting the puppies to either drown or suffocate. The Mississippi police is still looking for the person responsible for this.

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Could you imagine walking in the woods next to a creek looking for your lost dog and instead finding a concrete sealed aquarium containing two puppies inside? Hard to believe and horrible to imagine but sadly true. This actually happened to someone.

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Matt Williamson lost his dog he and was looking for him alongside a creek near Clinton Tinnin Road when he saw the tank in the middle of the woods. The tank was sealed with concrete on the lid and placed in a position in which water could pour into. If not found, those puppies would have either drown or suffocated.

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There are no nice thoughts for such a person and no understanding for such an action. I just really hope the responsible person is found and arrested. Such tanks are not lying by chance in the woods, so this required planning and intention.

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Fortunately, the puppies were rescued on time. After Williamson spotted them, he called the authorities in Hind County that rushed immediately to help them. After they were taken out, they were delivered to the Mississippi Animal Rescue League, where they will be taken care of.

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When they arrived they only had a slight fever but other than that they are both in good health considering what they went through. They were put in isolation because of the fever and to lower down their stress.

They are estimated to be 8 weeks old and soon they will be put up for adoption. The rescue is hoping they will get adopted together since so far they are acting protective towards each other. For adoption to be a possibility the puppies need to be socialized and the rescue is working daily on that.

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