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Man Dives Head First Into Sewage Tank Because Of The Cries Of A Puppy

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When Animal Aid Unlimited was told that a strange moaning sound was coming from the sewage tank, they knew they had to investigate. When they got there and saw the puppy, they immediately leapt into action!

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Animal Aid Unlimited, the amazing, wonderful, non-profit group has done it again! They were informed of a strange noise coming from the sewage tank, an area that smells so foul people do not want to get close to. When they looked in they can see a puppy struggling to stay afloat. His moans were muffled by the sewage waste, but what pains even more was how exhausted his cries were. His eyes also gave the sad look of fear mixed with fatigue. But he was a fighter!

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They knew they had little time, so instantly one man, Ganpat, dove head first into the tank while his colleagues held onto his legs. What he pulled out was a small, frail and terrified dog too scared but also too relieved to move.

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After cleaning him off and bringing him back to their rescue center, they lovingly nurtured him back to health. You can tell by that look on his face after day 2 just how happy he is!

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