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They Beat Her Til Her Eye Rotted Out, But Today She Looks ‘Unrecognizable’

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Stella was abandoned by her owners when she needed them most.

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Since their neighbors couldn’t afford to keep feeding her, they called up Sidewalk Specials for help.

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By the time Sidewalk Specials got to her, she was suffering from severe mange, tick bite fever, papilloma warts, and a dead eye due to blunt force trauma.

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They rushed her to Vet Point, where she began treatment for her plethora of ailments. Unfortunately, her eye was damaged beyond repair and wasn’t able to be saved.

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She was fostered by an amazing woman who ended up falling head over heels in love with Stella. She adored her so much that she knew she couldn’t let Stella go, and Stella quickly became a “foster fail!”

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Stella is so happy in her new forever home and is enjoying her second chance at life with her new doggy siblings and endless toys to play with!

She has come such a long way and looks like an entirely different dog from when she was first rescued.

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Watch her incredible transformation in the video below:

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