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Dijon mustard

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Dijon mustard (French: Moutarde de Dijon) is a traditional mustard of France, named after the town of Dijon in Burgundy, France, which was the center of mustard making in the late Middle Ages and was granted exclusive rights in France in the 17th century.[1] First used in 1336 for the table of King Philip VI,[2] it became popular in 1856, when Jean Naigeon of Dijon replaced the usual ingredient of vinegar in the recipe with verjuice, the acidic juice of unripe grapes.[3]

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The main ingredients of this condiment are brown mustard seeds (Brassica juncea)[4] and white wine,[5] or a mix of wine vinegar, water and salt designed to imitate the original verjuice.[6] It can be used as an accompaniment to all meats in its usual form as a paste, or it can be mixed with other ingredients to make a sauce.[7] The term Dijonnaise refers to a blend of Dijon mustard with mayonnaise.[8]

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In 2008, the Anglo-Dutch group Unilever, which had several mustard plants in Europe, decided to close the Amora manufacturing plant. Since 15 July 2009 Dijon mustard is no longer manufactured and packaged in the town of Dijon, but in the neighbouring town of Chevigny-Saint-Sauveur,[10] and 80% of mustard seeds used in the manufacture of contemporary Dijon mustard come from Canada.[11] The Grey Poupon mustard brand, now well known in the United States, originated in Dijon in 1866.[citation needed]

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