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Woman Becomes Mother To Late Husband’s Baby 15 Months After He Died Of Cancer

Julie Wilson and her husband tried to conceive while he was alive but they were unlucky at the time.

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After having dreamt of a family together, losing the love of your life is just devastating. One woman from Cleveland, Ohio, went through such excruciating pain when her partner lost his battle to cancer. However, months later, the grieving widow welcomed their offspring with the help of the embryos that were fertilized with his sperm before his death.

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According to Daily Mail, 36-year-old Julie Wilson decided to make a life-altering decision after the death of her beloved husband Travis in February 2019. Despite the absence of another helping hand, the grieving woman thought she was ready to become a mother.

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Though she and her partner had tried numerous times before his demise, they were unsuccessful. Luckily, this time, fate was on her side. Fifteen months after Travis’s death, Julie became a mother to their daughter Logan.

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“After the pain and devastation that came with losing Travis, it is indescribable that 15 months later I have a little piece of him back in my arms again,” said the mother, according to Daily Mail.

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Julie and Travis got married in 2012 after falling in love in 2007. The couple was excited to start the new chapter of their life, and having children was one of their dreams.

Unfortunately, the couple struggled with infertility issues. Matters became much worse when Travis got diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. All their plans fell flat and the couple was heartbroken. “We had our whole lives planned together and in an instant, I was told my husband isn’t going to be here and I will be a widow by the age of 35,” recounted the woman. Despite the negative circumstances, Travis remained positive. He underwent treatments and hoped to beat the illness even when he knew the chances were slim.

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Soon after, the couple decided to try IVF procedures in an attempt to have a baby before anything unfortunate happened to Travis. They saved his sperm in a bank to make sure that their plans of becoming parents remained uninterrupted. Though two embryo transfers were done at the time, those were unsuccessful.

Sadly, Travis passed away. Julie who still had five embryos left didn’t want to give up. She still had the chance to bear the child of her partner. “I got myself together and thought about what I wanted next for myself. I realized that I still wanted children, even if it meant being a single mother,” said the mother of one.

So, Julie underwent a double embryo transfer in October 2019. Luckily, she became pregnant. During her six-week scan, she was informed she was going to have twins. Julie was overjoyed. But things took a different turn during her next scan.

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Doctors told Julie that one of her babies had died. With the bad news, Julie was afraid to be completely optimistic. However, tables turned and she was blessed with her baby girl.

“Being a single mother has its challenges, especially during a pandemic, and ideally there would have been two of us here to do this together. But it has been so worth it. I know this is what I was meant to do next in life. Travis would absolutely adore Logan,” said the mother.

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She recounted how excited Travis was to enter fatherhood. “He was so excited about the prospect of becoming a father, it would have meant so much to be able to conceive while he was here so that he could be a part of it all. I had shown him pictures of our embryos before he passed away and he joked by saying they looked just like him,” she said. Travis even picked out names for their unborn child in spite of knowing he might not be around.

Julie who still misses the presence of her husband is happy that she now has Logan. “I’m so sad he missed out on all of this, but I see him in Logan every single day,” she said.

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