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Homeless Man Reunites With Family Who Thought He Died When They See His Photos Online

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João Coelho Guimarães, 45, hadn’t seen his family in about a decade. For three years, he’s been living out on the streets, without a place to call home. But one small favor ended up changing everything for him.

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Local barbers had seen him outside, and they offered him something to eat. Instead, João asked for something else — a razor, so he could clean up his facial hair. The barbers did one better and offered to give him an entire makeover, all for free.

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The gesture is a kind one, especially since hair can affect our self-image and confidence. With a nice haircut, João could be on his way to a fresh start. But his transformation was so great that it connected him to someone he never expected to see — his sister, who actually had assumed he was dead.

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“Every day, Mr. João Coelho passed in front of the Padoo men’s fashion store picking up cans,” the caption on the first Instagram photo stated, in translation. “One day he asked us for a razor to shave. The whole team was moved by the situation.” In the picture, you can see him smiling.

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“Everyone who was at the store decided to help him in a different way, providing him with a day of beauty,” said Alessandro, one of the men working with João. The transformation itself kept João’s character and spirit. He still had facial hair, but it was cleaned up and styled. He looked like a completely new man.


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The transformation wasn’t just for him — it was a reminder that everyone needs a little bit of help this year. “This is the campaign we want to encourage to start 2021!” the shop wrote on Instagram. “2020 was a difficult year for everyone but we managed to reinvent ourselves and found out how much we need each other!!!

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It’s unlikely they knew how interested their followers would be in João’s makeover, but it was a big success. It was important for people to know that under the scraggly hair was an actual person with his own story. But João likely had no idea that his newfound fame would help him reconnect with his sister.

“Today we managed to broker the reunion of the family of Mr. João Coelho who found him on social networks, through the repercussion of this campaign,” the company’s Instagram read. “2020 was a year of many losses for loved ones around the world, and in the midst of all that, a sigh and a warmth for this family.” Just one act of kindness led to so much more.

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“We decided to help him because we saw the extreme need he had,” he said. “We made friends with him over the past two months. And when he asked us for a razor, we welcomed him and gave him the full experience.”

“It took two hours to complete the transformation,” Alessandro continued. “The whole team volunteered and everyone did a little, adding up to a surprising result.” João reportedly didn’t say much after seeing himself in the mirror for the first time, but he did shed a tear.


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It must have been such a miraculous gift for his sister, who didn’t know if she’d ever be able to look him in the eyes again. Alessandro didn’t know his entire backstory, but he chose not to ask. “I didn’t want to get into the question of why he left home,” he said. “He must have his reasons, but our intention was just to give him a little dignity at that moment.”

“His sister Maria Coelho came in a hurry when she saw the pictures,” Alessandro shared. “She lives in Brasília DF and has been waiting for 10 years to hear some news about him. She even thought he was dead.” While she tried to get her brother to stay with her, the offer wasn’t taken.

“João is still on the streets,” said Alessandro. “His sister wanted to welcome him and take him home, but he didn’t want to. He said that on the streets, he feels free. That’s why he didn’t want to go home.” Still, being able to make a connection must have felt good for both siblings. His sister now knows he’s alive.

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If you see someone in need, being kind will go a long way. If you don’t feel comfortable donating money, you can also donate food or supplies. Many women who are homeless might not have access to sanitary supplies, which can turn into an embarrassing situation for them. To-go packs that contain basic necessities can make someone’s holiday so much better. One kind gesture may help jump-start more goodwill toward their situation.

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