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Owner Brings Puppy To Be Euthanized For “Not Playing”, Rescuers Were Able To Intervene Quickly

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In Cape Town , South Africa , Simba was abandoned because he wasn’t like all the other “normal” dogs. The poor pooch wasn’t feeling well for a long time and he was sad, writes zenoonee

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Simba wouldn’t be much active or joyful and this was a reason for his former owners to dump him. A rescue team found him and took him to their shelter. The stuff and vet were pretty upset seeing the pup in this shape. How can somebody give up on a living creature just like that?

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People often forget that animals have also feelings just like us. How woud you feel if you were going through a hard phase and your family or closest friends would give up on you ? Some individuals are unfortunately very cruel but thanks god there are good hearted people and some rescue shelters which do an amazing job helping these sweet animals in need.

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Watch the video below for more information about Simba’s story!

Source: zenoonee.com

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