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Proof That Ancient Super Civilization Existed Before Antarctica Had Ice

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What if I told you an ancient sophisticated extremely human being existed prior to Antarctica had ice, that they met their demise due to something apocalyptic?

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The map you see above was uncovered in 1929 by a German theologist. It was produced in 1513 by Ottoman Admiral and also Cartographer Piri Reis and is said to be one of the last maps drawn off of one of Christopher Columbus’s maps.

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Making use of the Columbus map, in addition to much older old Arabic maps, Piri Reis was able to produce this.

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But what has the clinical community humming is the fact that he draws Antarctica without ice.

This map, together with 2 others in existence, were the just one to ever depict an article without any ice.

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The more popular of the two maps remaining is the Oronce Penalty’ 1534 World map.

Both designers reference a collection of ancient maps that are no longer out there, meaning old people existed that could map the world prior to Antarctica had ice.

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As well as not only were they able to generate them, but they did also so precisely as both maps have the circumference of the Planet proper within 50 miles.

So when did this ancient super world exist? They figure anywhere from 9 to 130 BC. This number was originated from ice core examples extracted from the Arctic shelf that verified it had no ice during this moment.

Lots of think that the extremely civilization could have been the Giants and that they were the ones in charge of every one of the megaliths we find throughout the world.

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The ancient stone carvings were exactly how they sealed their tradition in background.

But what occurred to them? Where did they go?

Well, this is where it gets fascinating. In 2006, making use of information generated by satellites that grab gravitational anomalies, a group of scientists found a substantial abnormality listed below Wilkes Land in Antarctica.

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What they discovered: a 300 miles broad crater at a deepness of nearly 2400ft.

They figured this massive crater, which depends on 3 times the size of the Chick Zulu crater, which ended the dinosaurs, was produced by a planet.

The planet that killed the dinosaurs was nearly 6 miles wide. This set is estimated to be nearly 30. Yet this is where I feel scientists are getting it wrong.

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They assume that this impact happened practically 200 million years back. In all fact, they haven’t had the ability to confirm this because it’s up until now listed below Antarctica’s ice rack.

So my concept is they’re misinterpreted. That planet in fact made an influence as recent as 9 to 13,000 years ago. This impact would be so ruining that it might really move the posts. And also it would most certainly produce a glacial period due to the particles blocking out the sunlight.

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That in addition to the substantial flooding, which some scholars believe there has been, greater than one flooding, would wipe out 90 plus percent of all living things on Earth, including very human beings.

So what do you all believe? Could my concept be appropriate?

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