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Rescue Dog’s Overjoyed To Be Off Chain, Refuses To Let Rescuer Make Phone Call

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Some people may think that a rescue dog is incapable of giving love and affection. After all, if they’ve suffered through possible abuse, neglect, and mistreatment, then there’s a chance that they could never feel positive emotions towards another human again, right?

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Well actually, no matter what their past, it seems to be deep-rooted in a dog’s nature to give as much love as possible, all the time. And while a rescue pup may be a little more nervous than others, that doesn’t mean that they’re any less capable of giving love.

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So when a dog who had been rescued from off the chain finally got his first taste of freedom, he couldn’t help but show his gratitude towards his rescuer – by giving her a ginormous show of affection as she made an important phone call! The adorable moment was captured on camera and we just knew that we’d have to share it with you.

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Asher the pit bull was rescued from off the chain by Dogs Deserve Better in Smithfield, VA, and some of his first moments in safety were caught on film by his rescuer. As the woman takes a pretty serious conference call with the rescue’s CEO, Asher decides that his rescuer doesn’t deserve a minute to herself- and lets her know just how grateful he is towards her.

The sweet video was shared onto Rumble back in 2017 and managed to rack up an impressive 260k views. And after watching it for ourselves, it’s not hard to see why!

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As the woman attempts to chat on the phone, the sweet dog puts his paws around her in a great show of affection. He rests his head on top of her own and even gives her a few licks. It really is the most adorable thing we’ve seen today, and we don’t know how the woman managed to carry on with her phone conversation!

The video is only a few seconds long, so we don’t get to hear what the important chat was about, which left us questioning whether Asher was able to get his happy ending or not. But luckily, Dogs Deserve better provided us with an update – and don’t worry, because it’s the best kind of news!

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Asher has since found his perfect forever home, and Dogs Deserve Better broke the fabulous news on Facebook. They described the loving pup’s new home, saying:

“His new brother is Benji and they are the best of friends. He has 17 acres that he walks daily and loves to go to the garden with his Dad.

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He steals tomatoes from the bucket when they are brought in, rolls them down the hall and tries to eat them before his Mom cans them. He also has 30 chicken friends that he is very curious about but won’t swim in the pool with his Mom yet! He has adjusted amazingly and is spoiled rotten!”

Well doesn’t that just sound like absolute doggy heaven? Watch the adorable video of Asher and his rescuer below.

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