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Great Dane Lies on Top of Woman to Protect Her From the Hits of Her Violent Boyfriend

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There is no greater truth than the one that says, “dogs love their owners more than they love themselves.”

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This proved to be true once again, and this time the whole world learned of how one brave dog stood up for his owner who was abused by her boyfriend and risked his own life for the sake of his human’s, writes moneysavingbasics.

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The victim who wants to remain anonymous shared her terrifying life experience and changed the way some people look at dogs. This will touch the hearts even of those people who never wanted to own a pet.

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The woman has suffered months of violent behavior by the man she shared her life with. One day, however, things got so serious that he started hitting her with a hammer. The woman was frightened and in pain when her dog realized she was getting hurt and rushed to fight for her safety.

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Hank was the first pet that was provided a shelter under the roof of the Rose Brooks Center. Later, the CEO of the place, Susan Miller, said, “I’m so glad we did. It was just inspiring to see how she was able to heal better with her pet here.”

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“When my Great Dane, Hank, (earlier referred to as J. Matthew in media coverage to protect his identity) heard me scream, he laid on top of me,” said the victim, who wishes to remain anonymous. “I tried to get him out of the way, but he received the first of many blows from my abuser.”

Unfortunately, after beating the dog too, the abuser took him in his hands and threw him out of the window. Hank ended up with a broken hip, ribs, and other bones.
“I ran to him but was told if I touched him, he would shoot him. I didn’t know whether to believe him or not and I didn’t want to push it.” At this point, the attacker was holding a gun in his hands.

The woman couldn’t just leave the dog who put his life in danger for her lying there severely injured, so she took the risk, jumped in her car, and drove herself to the nearest police station. Authorities reacted quickly and arrested the attacker. The woman and her dog were about to be placed at the Rose Brooks Center in Kansas City, an emergency shelter for women and children.

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However, the poor woman was told how they wouldn’t accept the dog as that was the policy of the place. But knowing how serious her condition was and taking into consideration everything she had to go through, they decided to make an exception and accept the dog in.

Having Hank around made the shelter change the way they felt about allowing dogs. This courageous Great Dane inspired the center to build a pet-friendly wing and help other victims in the same position as his human mommy.

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Everyone became aware of the positive impact animals, especially dogs, have on the victims’ quick recovery. The center’s staff realized many abused women won’t leave their abuser only because they fear for the faith of their pet, but now, thanks to Hank, it was all about to change.

Hank was awarded the Valor Dog of the Year and People’s Hero award at the Fifth Annual Dogs of Valor Awards. His bravery made history.
We do hope other shelters for victims of abuse and violence would follow the example of Rose Brooks Center.

You can take a look at the whole story in the video below.

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