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Pitbull Found With Ch.ain Ti.ed So Tightly Around Neck, He Can’t Even Move An Inch

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When the call for help comes, there is something in the human spirit that knows we have to respond. For Kerry Haney, that call came late one night while she was sitting at home relaxing.

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Kerry Haney works with Don’t Bully Us Rescue, an adoption and rescue operation specifically for Pitbulls.

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When the late-night call came in, it was about a pitty in a horrible situation. The seriousness of the situation became apparent when Kerry didn’t just get a single call, she received multiple, as well as texts, messages, and DM’s.

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When Kerry went out to investigate, she was shocked.

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She found the dog tied to a tree by the owner. While there are worse ways to restrict a dog, how this owner did it was appalling. They had tied the pup directly to the tree by wrapping a chain around its neck and the tree trunk.

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The dog was essentially frozen motionless, unable to move for anything.

Kerry was in her pajamas when she arrived, but she went directly to the owner. The pitty wouldn’t have been able to eat or drink water (even if it was placed out for the dog, which it wasn’t). Kerry needed to help the dog immediately.

When she walked up to the yard, however, the dog was gone!

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Kerry did the next best thing which was to contact the police and tell them about the abuse. When she called, the police explained they were already aware and were currently working on helping. All she could do now was wait for the officers to do their job.

Only a few days later, news came in.

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The pup (now named Max) had been pulled from his owner! Max was temporarily placed with the Gloucester County Animal Shelter until the court hearing. With the amount of evidence in favor of Max, nobody was too worried.

When the hearing concluded, it was a best-case scenario.

The owner was found guilty! He was fined and Max was removed from his custody. He was officially free from the abuse! He was stuck at the shelter for the time being, but Kerry wanted to take Max in as soon as she could.

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After a stint at the shelter, they ended up calling Kerry and asking for her to take Max personally!

After Max tested positive for heartworms and couldn’t pass some behavioral tests, the shelter called someone they knew would help. Kerry took in Max and personally fostered him! She knew that he was as sweet as could be, despite the shelter saying he was aggressive.

Max started learning how to be a part of “dog society”!

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He never had a chance to be a puppy, learn manners, or was shown love! It would just take some time for him to come into himself. Now, Max is always found playing with the two kids in Kerry’s house! He is learning to love and be loved like he never could.

“He’s a goofy big pup,” Kerry told The Dodo. “He loves to play… more than any dog I’ve ever seen. And if you are sitting on the floor or couch, don’t think you’ll have any personal space. He will be on you in the drop of a dime. He hangs with me in my office every day. He just chews on his bone while I work and he never barks at the mailman or kids passing by. He is an absolute pleasure to have!”

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“He’s a goofy big pup,” Kerry told The Dodo. “He loves to play… more than any dog I’ve ever seen. And if you are sitting on the floor or couch, don’t think you’ll have any personal space. He will be on you in the drop of a dime. He hangs with me in my office every day. He just chews on his bone while I work and he never barks at the mailman or kids passing by. He is an absolute pleasure to have!”

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Originally seen on animalchannel

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