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Cat Looks Just Like A Bunny And It’s Adorable

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Peanut and nine other cats were brought to a shelter after their owner passed away. When Peanut first arrived, it was clear that he was a little bit different. Not only is he partially blind and deaf, but he also looks different from most cats. The shelter was unsure whether it was due to something that happened to him or if he was just born that way — but what they were clear on was that Peanut is absolutely adorable, writes thedodo.

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The way Peanut’s face and ears are positioned, he almost looks more like a bunny than a cat, and of course it didn’t take long for someone to fall in love with that perfect face.

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“I knew when I saw him that I couldn’t leave him there,” Sydney Benham, Peanut’s mom, told The Dodo.

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After bonding with Peanut and hearing his story, Benham knew she had to take him home, and adopted him in September 2020. The shelter estimated that Peanut was around 8 years old, and it didn’t take long for the sweet older cat to settle into his new home and let his adorable old-man personality shine through.

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“It’s hard to describe his personality,” Benham said. “He is so unique and just simply, ‘him.’ He is loving and kind, and he loves to play with fingers and chew on his toes. I feel he is a lot smarter than he lets on and purposely ignores me or does things that he knows will irritate me, like jump on my table, for example. His disabilities do not stop him in any way! He is limitless!”

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Whenever people see Peanut’s sweet, unique face, they can’t help but fall in love with him. He may be a little different, but his differences are what make Peanut so special, and his family definitely wouldn’t have him any other way.

“People will usually fall in love with him right away when they see him,” Benham said. “How could they not?! He’s such a sweet boy.”

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This story originally appeared on thedodo.com

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