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12 times hoomans wanted cats and dogs to live together…but it didn’t work out as planned

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If you landed here, you probably like cats, some of you might only like dogs and there will be some that love both. If you are the later then wishing for the best is about all you can do when you have both a cat and a dog. Although there’s a stereotype of cats and dogs hating each other, with a little bit of luck and some very careful introductions the two can actually live together in relative harmony.

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Our list of photos below give you a glimpse into the few times when felines and canines had their natural instincts take over and fought like…well cats and dogs. We can brush it up to sibling rivalry but deep inside their hearts they do love each other, writes catlov. 😉

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1. The expressions on the dog´s face is priceless

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2. “I hate how dogs just love everything”

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3. Kittens of the Corn

4. Before And After My Dog Realizes I’m In The Room

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5. Hooman… Help…

6. When your owner says to the dog: “Who’s a good boy”

7. The dog looks like a potted plant!

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8. His Face Says It All

9. I Didn’t Know I’d Have To Give Up My Dog When I Got A Cat. And By Give Up I Mean The Cat Now Owns The Dog

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10. Fiancée Moved In And Brought Her Dog. We Were Worried About The Dog Bullying The Cats. We Quickly Realized The Reverse Was True

11. Just Got Married And Was Trying To Introduce His Cat To His Dog

12. Having A Cone Collar Fitted At The Vet Was Bad Enough, Then My Dog Had To Come Home To The Cat

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