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The internet has a new grumpy cat and you gonna love her

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Undoubtedly, everyone heard about Grumpy Cat – the legendary cat that fascinated the internet with her unique facial expressions since 2012. And while, most likely no other kitten will ever replace Grumpy Cat (she passed away a year ago) there have been some real contenders for the unofficial title of the Internet’s most famous cat, writes homesluxury.

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Even though, a cat has recently caught everyone’s attention with his angry face and she actually might be the new grumpy cat. The fluffy ball is named Meow Meow and she lives in Taiwan with her human companion, Clare.

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“I met her at an old pet shop,” Clare told Bored Panda. “Her ex-owner abandoned her for some unknown reason. She was 10 months old at that time, so me and my younger brother took her to our house and she became my first cat.”

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Honestly, with that ‘grumpy’ attitude is really hard to pass unnoticed. In fact, according to her human, Meow Meow keeps her dignity and elegance no matter what, even when hospitalized.

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Despite she might always look angry on something, Clare says her furry friend is actually gentle and friendly. “Even when I take a picture of her and she looks at me, I find her very gentle,” Clare said. “I even dressed her like a princess once, but my friends saw her and told me she looked more like a queen.”

Have a look at the internet’s new grumpy cat!

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This story originally appeared on homesluxury.net

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