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After losing their cat, this couple found a note from a stranger whose life was changed by their kitty

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A young couple in the Uk was absolutely heartbroken after their beloved cat named Bear, passed away. However, little did they know they were not the only ones suffering after Bear’s lost. Soon after they found out a stranger’s life was also changed by their furry companion, writes homesluxury.

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While still alive, Bear and his little brother Teddy were inseparable. They used to spend their time together, so naturally they were adventuring together in the neighborhood. But only after Bear was gone, his human parents found out he and Teddy used to regularly visit one of their neighbors.

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One day when Teddy returned home, there was a note attached to his collar. In it, the worried neighbor was asking if something happened to Bear as he hasn’t seen him in a while. “Dear Owner; I’m your neighbour, living in 4,” the note reads. “I’m also your cats’ close friends as they (2 cats) are used to coming to my room everyday. But one of them, a bigger one has disappeared for two weeks. Is he ok? I’m so worried about him. He is so lovely cat and always touched my heart. Wish he is fine.”

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So the heartbroken owners decided to write back. “We posted a letter back into number 4, saying that our other cat had passed away. We also included our email address,” Scott Ewels, Bear’s owner wrote.

The next morning Scott found out neighbor was a student from Taiwan and Bear was such a dear friend of her. “He would sit on her bed and listen… she didn’t have anyone else to practice with. Very touching… She even attached some pictures they had taken of my boys which warmed my heart,” Scott said.

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This story originally appeared on homesluxury.net

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