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Jaime Rodríguez Calderón

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Jaime Heliodoro Rodríguez Calderón (born 28 December 1957 in Ejido Pablillo, Galeana, Nuevo León), sometimes referred to by his nickname “El Bronco,” is a Mexican politician. He is the Governor of the northern state of Nuevo León. He is the first independent candidate to have won a governorship in Mexico.[1] He served as mayor of García, Nuevo León (2009–2012) as a member of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), and was best known for his hard-line stance against organized crime. Rodríguez won the 2015 race for Governor as an independent candidate on June 7, 2015, winning half the votes of the election compared to his traditional party competitors, who split the remainder of the votes.[2] He served as governor from 4 October 2015 until 31 December 2017, when he formally became candidate in the 2018 presidential race. He lost, only attaining 5% of the popular vote and resumed his term as governor.

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Jaime Heliodoro Rodríguez Calderón was born on 28 December 1957, in Ejido Pablillo, a municipality of Galeana, Nuevo León. He was the fourth of ten children born to Lichita Calderon and Rodolfo Rodríguez.

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Rodríguez attended primary school at Escuadron 201 in Ejido Pablillo. He attended secondary school at Miguel Hidalgo in Galeana.

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Rodríguez majored in Agricultural Engineering in the Autonomous University of Nuevo León and graduated in 1982. According to Jaime, this was made possible by Don Protacio Rodriguez, owner of Transportes Tamaulipas (now Grupo Senda). Don Protacio gave Rodríguez a card that allowed him to travel to Monterrey for his studies. Toward the end of his studies he performed a symbolic strike at the university, calling on governor Alfonso Martínez Domínguez to increase support for public transportation. After the strike, and with the support of the governor, he established a scholarship for poor students struggling to pay for their education.

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Upon graduation, he joined the Institutional Revolutionary Party and worked for Governor Martinez Domínguez.

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