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Man Goes To Adoption Event And Ends Up Reuniting With His Old Dog

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Some things in life are just meant to be. And nobody knows this better than Shannon McCann and Nick Pizio, who had no intention of adopting another dog. However, the universe had other plans as last month, Pizio happened upon a social media post that changed their lives.

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During a Facebook scroll, Pizio came across a Planned Pethood Inc. advertisement for an adoption event. Looking at it, he immediately recognized one of the dogs featured in the photos. The dog looked so much like Lucy – a shelter rescue he had adopted in 2015 with his ex-wife. Pizio had never stopped missing Lucy after he and his ex split, however, when they fell out of contact, he fell out of contact with Lucy too.

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Both McCann and Pizio immediately rushed over to the adoption event, nervous that they’d missed their opportunity to reunite with Lucy.

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“We were both really anxious because we didn’t know if she was still at the event,” McCann stated. “I could sense Nick’s anxiety as he frantically scanned the store for the adoption event.”

Finally, the pair spotted a group of dogs in the back corner of the store. That is when Pizio and Lucy saw each other, and there was no doubt at all, he’d found his dog.

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“Lucy recognized him right away,” McCann recalled. “When she saw Nick, she popped right up and was wagging her tail like crazy and had her face as close to the holes in the crate [where she was being kept] as possible so Nick could touch her.”

She added, “When we opened the crate to let her out, she jumped all over him and her tail wouldn’t stop.”


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Pizio wasn’t about to let Lucy go a second time, so he filled out the adoption application.

“We were both hesitant because we never planned on having two dogs,” McCann admitted. “But we just couldn’t bear to see Lucy homeless again.”

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As the staff learned of Pizio and Lucy’s incredible reunion story, they had no doubts that she’d finally found her forever home.

Lucy now lives with Pizio and McCann at the home they share with their other dog Kuma. While it’s only been a week, Lucy is fitting in as though she’s lived there her whole life – settling into the routine of long walks with her sister and cuddles with her mom and dad.

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And Pizio couldn’t be happier at the way fate worked to bring his beloved Lucy back into his life.

McCann said, “He’s happy he saw the post in time to be able to rescue her.”

Incredible the way the universe works isn’t it? We have no doubt, this dog and owner pair are just meant to be.

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