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Facundo Cabral

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e874Facundo Cabral (May 22, 1937 – July 9, 2011)[1] was an Argentine singer, songwriter and philosopher.

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He was best known as the composer of “No soy de aquí ni soy de allá”[2] (“I’m not from here nor there”), which he improvised during one of his concerts. His songs have been covered by Spanish language interpreters such as Alberto Cortez, who was also a friend of his, Juan Luis Guerra and Joan Manuel Serrat. Cabral protested military dictatorships in Latin America through activism and song from the 1970s onward, and his music combined mysticism and spirituality with calls for social justice.[3]

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After touring the world, Cabral enjoyed popularity in his home country during the early 1980s, when Argentine radio demanded local content after the Falklands War. He became a very popular singer throughout Latin America. Facundo Cabral was named a UNESCO Messenger of Peace in 1996.[4]

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