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15 Reasons You Can’t Trust Your Husband

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The minds of men and women work considerably differently, and the images that you will see below are irrefutable proof of this. However, when it is already a stable relationship, all you have to do is learn to live with each other’s customs, although some of them are a bit strange (like the ones we collect for you in today’s article).

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1. I’d say this is close to perfection

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My husband completely understood when I told him that I don’t like the edge of the pizzas, and this is what my order looks like from that day on.

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2. This is good love

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I couldn’t understand my husband’s enthusiasm when the delivery company came with a package, until he opened it and came to the room with that flannel.

3. Everything is a matter of habit

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My husband is still not used to the fact that the juice and milk bottles now have a new system to open them.

4. When they take what you say too literally

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I wanted to get mad at my husband when he came to bed with my breakfast looking like this, but actually he asked me how he wanted me to cut my sandwich and I said “whatever.”

5. A rare combination of flavors

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I will never be able to understand what goes through my husband’s head when he adds milk to cheddar cheese sandwiches.

6. Thinking of all the things that could have gone wrong

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When I got up this morning I found this in the bathroom and I don’t even want to think that my husband actually used the drill with a cotton swab to clean his ears.

7. The result could be better than what is in sight

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I asked my husband to make sausage pasta for dinner, I can’t wait to see how this all ends.

8. Washing is an art that not everyone understands

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This is what my husband understood when I asked him to put soap on the clothes that were in the washing machine.

9. When they give you what you want, but not how you need it

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Today I realized that it is my husband who keeps the clothes like that in the closet.

10. Actually, I don’t think I really need headphones.

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When I asked my husband to lend me his hearing aids I assumed he would untangle them for me.

11. Is there anything weirder than this?

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The mystery of who bites the butter was solved the moment I saw my husband do it. I’m seriously thinking about asking for a divorce.

12. Could it be that he understood half cold?

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I don’t know what was going through my husband’s mind when I told him that my feet were cold and he put my stockings on me like this.

13. Image not suitable for people with OCD

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I would ask you not to be surprised, but even I am when I see my husband cut the cake like this.

14. Live with a mouse at home

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My husband buys the whole cheese and eats it as a snack while driving.

15. At least he tried

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This is my husband’s idea of ​​a sandwich for lunch. Someone has to tell you that you missed a piece of bread.

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