Meet The “Village Weaver” – The Bird World’s Greatest Architect

Not only is this bird a beautiful sight to look at, but it also possesses such skill, that it would make any craftsman jealous.
Originally found across a small range of Sub-Saharan Africa, it has now been introduced to Portugal, and some of the Caribbean islands.
Spotted in abundance in open habitats such as woodlands as well as human habitats like towns and villages.
They often form large noisy colonies by building large coarsely woven nests made of leaf strips and grass.
As village weavers are colonial breeders, they often have many nests in one tree consisting of two to three eggs each.
Village weavers are known to be loud birds, and since they are often found in colonies with up to 150 birds at a time, their presence is often known.
Their special talent lies in their name, the male birds build stunning, intricate nests for the female to lay her eggs.
Each nest takes the male around 9-14 hours to complete, and they usually make up to 3-5 nests at a time.
The intricate nest is usually kidney-shaped with a roof, the entrance is at the bottom and the inside is made with grass and leaves.
A single nest requires around three hundred long strips of leaf which the male will tear one by one and weave into the nest.
He eventually works towards creating a half globe, and that is the complete nesting chamber.
The nests are usually ready by mating season which is from early September through to October as well as January to February.
It is in fact the beautiful architectural abilities that attract females to the nest in the first place.
Each male breeds with as many females as he builds nests.
He is essentially showing off his home to the female, saying ‘hey look how cool my house is,’ and if the female likes it, she will take residence.