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Old Man Abandons Puppies in a Bucket on the Side of the Road

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Caught in this animal rescue sanctuary’s electronic camera, at 5:22 PM, a male parked nearby, placed a container down in front of the sanctuary and drove away.

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The rescuer heard grumbling from outdoors as well as he went to look into what it was. Turns out it was 2 three-week old young puppies that were far too young to be divided from their mom.

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It’s in fact quite dangerous to take young puppies away from their mom pet when they’re still generally babies.

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The young puppies were absorbed by the rescuer and he said that in Serbia young puppies were typically abandoned. Milk as well as veterinary treatment was provided for both infant canines.

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According to the rescuer, they can not find the mom pet dog anymore, but they will certainly see to it these young puppies will make it through.

If you intend to see more updates regarding the young puppies, Kai and also Kiki, check out their Youtube Channel.

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