Boy Is Brought To Tears When Reunited With The Dog He Hadn’t Seen In A Year

The bond between child and dog is so strong, it doesn’t even have to be the kid’s pet in order for the strongest feelings to be provoked. While this boy does have a dog of his own, he always had a special place in his heart for the neighbor’s dog, Bogart. So when they had to move away to travel for a while, the boy was devastated. But peep their special reunion below. 😉
“A year before this video, our neighbor had to take her dog to live in another state while she traveled and my son stood in her yard and cried as they drove away. We didn’t think the dog would be gone for so long but my son prayed for his beloved canine friend every single night while he was gone. This was the day we got the wonderful surprise that Bogart was back. They were both equally surprised to see each other. I was able to get some video, you can tell they love each other.”
Watch the sweet reunion below: