Herd Of Donkeys Show An Emotional Goodbye For Their Deceased Friend

The video clip below confirms that all the animals have feelings just like people. The herd of donkeys bid a saved donkey living with him an emotional goodbye after his fatality.
When the donkey, Bram, was rescued by the Stichting de Ezelshoeve, Netherlands, he remained in poor health and wellness. However the old donkey was surrounded by other donkeys and individuals, that loved him unconditionally, throughout his time at the haven.
Bram made several buddies in the sanctuary like the dark brown donkey in the clip below, and the herd’s leader. You can see that the donkeys mournfully cry out after entering the backyard to bid farewell to Bram! Moreover, the leader might not think that Bran is dead as he attempted to obtain him to get up by nipping Bram’s stomach. How emotional!
Enjoy the video below.
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