Chase, A 3 Year French Bulldog Needs Our Help To Get Back To His Family

This is Chase. He is a 3 year French bulldog. He has a partner in crime his brother Oreo a Staffordshire’s bull terrier, they are best friends. He has a mum Terri and dad Gareth and 3 human siblings, 2 brothers and a sister. We are one big loving caring family.
During the hot weather Chase kept cool by sharing his siblings paddling pool.
Little did we know that keeping cool and jumping in and out of the pool would cause terrible damage to chases spine. He started off limping on his right leg on the Friday, by the next day his back legs were paralyzed and he could only drag himself about. As it was weekend the only vet appointment we could get was 60 miles away. We got terrible news, Chase had spinal damage, we were told to take him to a specialist animal hospital another 30 miles away. He was given analgesia, iv fluids and a catheter to make him more comfortable. We were told it could be a slipped disc or meningitis, a blood test was taken. We had to leave our fur baby all alone and in a strange environment, we were heartbroken.
On the monday a MRI scan was undertaken, the results were devastating. He had 2 slipped discs which was causing bleeding on the spine. It was also found he had only got 6 vertebra instead of 7. He needed emergency lifesaving surgery. We were absolutely heartbroken.
He was taken to surgery immediately. Waiting for news was unbearable. We were all so upset. Within a hour we received a telephone call to say chase had a reaction to the anesthetic and he almost died, the operation had to be aborted until they stabilized him. They finally got him stabilized and are meeting with other specialists to come up with a new anesthetic plan. He now has to be very closely monitored for any deterioration for 24 hours and then try to operate again
We are missing our boy so much, his partner in crime is constantly searching for him, he won’t eat or rest, doesn’t even want to go for walks
His human siblings are missing him so much, especially his oldest brother McKenzie 15, who is waiting for a hip replacement for perthes disease which has left him wheelchair bound, Chase sleeps with him at night and gives him love and comfort.
We as parents of our children and fur babies are absolutely distraught with what has happened. It is so difficult to comfort our children and Oreo. We are absolutely beside ourselves with worry. The added burden of McKenzie 9 hour surgery praying on our minds is making this terrible time worse. Our 2 younger children Harleigh 12 and Harrison 8 are inconsolable and need lots of cuddles and reassurance
We both work but don’t earn very much. We are very proud people but don’t know how we are going to fund chase treatment. We were told it could cost between 4000 and 8000 pounds, but now with the complications it could be much more. One of our family members have set up a just giving page to help us, but there is no way we can raise that amount of funding.
We just want our family back together. Come home chase we need you back with us.
You can watch the heart-breaking moment of Chase trying to walk down below:
I believe that we now have an opportunity to make a huge difference in a family’s life. The link where you can show support for Chase and his family is down below:
Don’t forget to share. We can really make a difference!