Uncle Styopa

Uncle Styopa (Russian: Дядя Стёпа, IPA: [ˈdʲædʲə ˈstʲɵpɐ]), also known as Dyadya Stepa,[1] Uncle Steeple[2] and Tom the Tower,[3] is a series of poems written by Russian children’s poet Sergey Mikhalkov. They were written in trochaic tetrameter. The poems featured a brave and noble militsioner (a policeman) who was unusual due to his extreme height. The name of the protagonist of the series was Stepan Stepanov (Russian: Степан Степанов), or Styopa, which is a diminutive of the Russian given name Stepan. He performed various acts of good will, such as rescuing people, preventing train crashes, helping firefighters, stopping a school bully or working as a police officer for the Soviet Militsiya. Styopa is a wise, brave, generous, noble, fun-loving character.[4] He fights against injustice and serves as an inspiration to the pioneers.
It was largely due to this set of poems, among others written during the 1930s in the Soviet Union, that Mikhalkov achieved fame and garnered admiration from the Soviet population. His popularity was phenomenal.[5] Uncle Styopa’s face was almost instantly associated with the face of the author. Sergey Mikhalkov himself looked like a tall athlete, and the first illustrators of the poem pictured Uncle Styopa with Mikhalkov’s face.[5] More than 250 million copies of the poems have been sold.[5]
The first poem Uncle Styopa was published in the 7th issue of The Pioneer magazine in 1935. It introduced the character of Stepan Stepanov. In 1936 the poem was included in Sergey Mikhalkov’s first collection of poems. The same year it was published as a single volume by Detizdat, with illustrations by A. Kanevsky. Boris Galanov wrote that Sergey Mikhalkov initially showed the poem to Samuil Marshak, who approved of it and inspired Mikhalkov to continue working on the series, and it was the only reason that Mikhalkov didn’t think of Uncle Styopa a passing episode in his career.[6]
The next poem Uncle Styopa The Militsioner (Russian: Дядя Стёпа — милиционер) was released in 1954. It was published in the 20th issue of The Pogranichnik, and in Pionerskaya Pravda (as of 10 December 1954), illustrated by E. Shcheglov. It was also published in the 12 December issues of the magazines Novy Mir and The Pioneer illustrated by V. Suteev. In 1955 it was released as a single volume by Detgiz with the illustrations of G. Mazurin. In the preface to The Pioneer’s edition Mikhalkov revealed that he decided to come back to the character after 19 years because of an accidental meeting with some police officer in Moscow: “Fifteen years ago I got my driver’s license and since then I’ve been a driver. Once, while driving on the street in Moscow, I committed a traffic offence. I stopped my car in the wrong place, at the footpath. I was approached by a police officer. Imagine my surprise when I saw my “uncle Styopa” in the uniform. The officer was very tall, the tallest of all the officers I have seen in my life! Very politely, in a civilized manner, Uncle Styopa asked me to show my driver’s license and never to violate rules of the road again. I apologized and promised to be careful next time. We got into conversation. It turned out that Uncle Styopa served in the Navy before becoming a police officer. I was amazed at this! My Uncle Styopa, the character I wrote about nineteen years ago in a fun poem for the children, served in the Navy too! <…> And now I’ve decided to write a sequel to my fun little book.”[7]
The third poem Uncle Styopa and Yegor (Russian: Дядя Стёпа и Егор) was published in Pravda on 27 December 1968. It was released as a single volume by Detskaya Literatura in 1969, with illustrations by Yuvenaliy Korovin. It introduced Styopa’s son named Yegor, “a new Heracles” whose birth weight was 8 kg. In the preface Mikhalkov explained that the idea came to him when he visited the kindergarten to speak in front of the children. He was asked to read Uncle Styopa. After that a boy came up to him and asked if Uncle Styopa had any children. Mikhalkov did not know how to reply, because it was “hard to say no”, and he decided to write about Uncle Styopa’s son.
The final poem Uncle Styopa The Veteran (Russian: Дядя Стёпа — ветеран) was published in Pravda on 1 June 1981, and in the 10th issue of Murzilka (1981). It was released as a single volume by Detskaya Literatura in 1985, with illustrations by Yuvenaliy Korovin.[8]
Also, a poem was published in 1940, called “Uncle Styopa in the Red Army” (Дядя Стёпа в Красной Армии), telling of Styopa’s participation in the Polish campaign. The poem was heavily laden with wartime propaganda, and had fallen into obscurity.[9]