8+ Pics Of Rescued Pig Named Floppy After Vet Said He Wouldn’t Live Longer Than A Week

These days one can say there is no such thing as a shortage of images when it comes to cats and dogs, as they are considered to be some of the most popular pets in a lot of households. However, other types of animals such as bunnies, snakes, spiders, birds, and even pigs can also sometimes make for a great pet in situations where the said animal was rescued from a horrible situation or condition and couldn’t be released back to their natural habitat.
This time we’d like you to meet Floppy, a lovely giant (and very cuddly) pig of 1 and a half years. Floppy was born on January 18th, 2020, and his journey in this world has been very hard and complicated from the very beginning as he took in his first breath. With all of that said, it’s also worth noting that this piggy has quite an important and inspiring story to share with all of us.
This is Floppy. He was born with shaking head syndrome (which is similar to a tremor that can’t be controlled)
According to Chelsey the owner of Floppy, he couldn’t nurse, couldn’t walk, or do very much on his own
“The vet said it was the worst case she had seen and recommended euthanasia because he likely wouldn’t live longer than a week”
“My sister-in-law hated the idea of euthanasia and me and my husband were determined to let this piglet live out his life, if even for a short time”
“My husband and I took him to our home, which is not a farm, and we bottle-fed him every three hours as a baby”
“We only expected to have him for a couple weeks, then if he did better to take him to a sanctuary, but when the time came he won our hearts and we couldn’t let go”
“He is an indoor house pig and has his own room and now it’s been over a year and he is simply thriving”
“The shaking has nearly gone away except for when Floppy is excited or anxious”
“He is a big pig (not a mini) so he is close to 500 lbs now, but a gentle giant and loves when people come to visit him”
Chelsey told us, that these days they spend all day together and have come to form an amazing bond