17+ People Share Some Of The Cutest Pictures Of Cats Embracing Their Loaf Identity

Cats, the most incredible entertainers that have ever existed, are constantly gifting us humans with their glorious presence. And since they kinda like to hang out, humans decided to give a name to their favorite lounging pose—loafing. The reason being that a cat with its paws tucked beneath its body is easily mistaken for none other than a loaf of bread. The pose has also been called ‘Sphynx,’ but it’s clearly not as accurate as ‘loaf.’ One of the most common reasons for cats ‘loafing’ is their body thermoregulation, but the most important one is that it’s a perfect cute photo opportunity for their owners.
Reddit has a whole community dedicated to photos of loaves of cats, r/catloaf, and it has a strong community of 552k members. Below are the loafiest cats picked by us, so vote for your favorite ones!
#1 My Precious Mini Loaf
#2 Cat Baguette
#3 My Girlfriend Is Working From Home, So She Made A Fake Lap To Keep Bob From Distracting Her
#4 Her Last Loaf Before Passing Away ❤️
#5 Don’t Forget To Pack Your Loaves
#6 Giant Panther Loaf
#7 The Loaf Blepped
#8 “A Black Hole Warping Space-Time Right On Top Of A Duvet”
#9 A Little Hand Loaf
#10 Angle Specific Catloaf
#11 Please Enjoy This Double Catloaf, Otherwise Known As Shuri And Yoshi
#12 Mickey, My 16 Year Old Kitty, In His Final Loaf Ever At The Vet
#13 Do Cinnamon Rolls Count?
#14 One-Eyed Wonder In Her Favourite Pose
#15 So Cold He’s Retracted His Limbs Inside His Sweater
#16 Small Catloaf
#17 I Literally Screeched “Cat Loaf!” And Ran To Get My Phone To Capture Her First Little Loaf
#18 My Loaf Sniffed Me Back
#19 Just Got Broken Up With. This Loaf Wont Stop Purring And Won’t Stray Further Than 5 Feet Away From Me
#20 We’ve Got Ourselves An Old-Fashioned Loaf-Off