15+ Adorable Pics Of These Pets That Found A Loving Home

There’s hardly a better time to be a Bored Panda reader than when one month ends and another begins. That’s because it’s time for another of our wholesome lists of the cute pets that were rescued over the past month, finally found their forever homes, and won over the hearts of their new family members. Honestly, it’s the best part of the month for me because I know how happy adopted pet pics make you, dear Pandas.
So go on, fill yourself up with some soul-healing good vibes to match the brilliant sunshine outside. Don’t forget to upvote your fave pics and we’d absolutely love to hear all about how you met your pets—so tell us about them in the comments.
Meanwhile, however happy rescuing pets might make us and them feel, you can’t deny that the whole adoption process can be stressful, as there’s a major lifestyle shift for the animals who may have been abused before. We had a chat about how to recognize the signs of stress and help our pets deal with it with the friendly team at the PDSA, the UK’s leading vet charity. Pssst—when you’re done, you’ll find some more fluffy cuddles in our earlier rescue pets posts here: May, April, and March.
#1 Adopting An Old Cat
#2 “Will You…. Adopt This Cat With Me?” She Said Yes
#3 A Kitten Followed My Mail Cart For Four Blocks. Went Back Later To Find Her Huddled By A Garbage Pile. Guess I Adopted A Kitten
#4 We Were Worried Our Rescue Pup Wouldn’t Like Our New Rescue Kitten…
#5 My Sister Just Adopted This Sweet 18 Year Old Tortie!
#6 Rescued This Little Dude Today. Some Guy Hitting Cats With A Broom, Was Gunna Kick His Ass If He Didn’t Give Me The Cat.. He Is Safe Now
#7 Hi My Name Is Clover And I Adopted My People Today!
#8 You’re Adopted!
#9 Rescued This Little Dude From A Bad Shelter Situation. His Name Is Vader
#10 After Months And Months Of Applications Going Unanswered, Our Rescue Dog Found Us When She Came Into My Clinic For A Check-Up
#11 Adopted This 12 Yr Old Battle Axe Today. Turns Out She’s Entirely Deaf. Already Runnin The Place
#12 Meet Barry, Our 8 Week Old Rescue Kitten
#13 After Wanting A Dog For My Whole Life, I Finally Adopted One! Meet Pepero!
#14 My Cat Knor Two Weeks After Adoption From The Shelter
#15 She’s Only Been Home For An Hour And Has Already Settled In. Happy Adoption Day Baby Girl
#16 I Think Someone Is Happy To Be Adopted
#17 Adopted This 13 Yo Senior Yesterday. Say Hi To Simon!