Playful Puppy With Spinal Deformity Walks For The First Time

Benjamin Bunny doesn’t know he’s different from other dogs. All he wants to do is play and be loved, just like any other puppy. But moving around is difficult for this Goldendoodle because he has a severe spinal deformity. He is paralyzed from the shoulders down, so he can only get around by hopping and dragging his back legs behind him.
But now, a custom wheelchair is changing Benjamin’s life. He can finally walk just like his foster siblings. Now, nothing can hold this optimistic puppy back!
A Puppy Looking for Love
A breeder surrendered Benjamin to Bosley’s Place due to his lack of mobility. The puppy was only two weeks old at the time, and he couldn’t put weight on his hind legs. He was unable to nurse, so the staff bottle-fed him. When Benjamin was strong enough, they placed him in a foster home through The Tucker Farm.
Benjamin’s foster mom, Beth Williams, worked on therapy with her foster puppy. But after weeks of no mobility improvements, she realized that he’d likely never walk naturally. His spinal deformity begins behind his shoulders and affects the entire lower half of his body.
So, Williams knew that the pup needed a custom wheelchair in order to live his best life. She contacted Walkin’ Pets, a company that helps all sorts of animals with mobility issues. They created a custom wheelchair for him that is adjustable. While he might look tiny now, he will eventually grow up to be a large dog.
Almost right away, Benjamin fell in love with his wheelchair. To him, it was like he finally regained mobility in all his legs.
Benjamin’s First Steps
Benjamin was finally able to take his first steps thanks to his special wheelchair. Before, he always tried to play with his foster siblings, but he had a disadvantage since he couldn’t stand upright. Now, he can keep up with them with no problems.
“Benjamin loves his wheelchair, and wheelchair time is priceless to him! For now, we are doing short periods of time in his wheels as we work to build up his strength, but Benny would stay in his Walkin’ Wheels all day if we let him!” Williams said.
The wheelchair won’t answer all of Benjamin’s problems, though. Vets suspect that he may never regain mobility in his hind legs, so the wheelchair is here to stay. Luckily, it helps make everyday things like walking, eating, and drinking much easier for the pup.
“I love his independence with his wheels. We are often outside here, so the way he’s able to move freely and get what he needs is life-changing for all of us. Benny doesn’t seem to spend time feeling sorry for his handicap but delights in what he has,” Williams said.
Life isn’t easy for Benjamin, but he’s making the most of it. His wheelchair allows him to explore the world pain-free. Benjamin will continue living with Williams until his forever family adopts him. In the meantime, the rescue organizations have created a GoFundMe to help cover his medical needs.
Watch Benjamin Walk for the First Time:
Originally seen on iheartdogs