Dalmatian Puppy With Front Legs Cut Off By Dog-Meat Slaughterhouse Finds Loving Home

Today too much emphasis is placed on healthy food, which is normal to pay attention to what we eat to feel healthy. Food choices in the past were too limited, but people, despite eating meat, did not try to use their guard dogs for meals.
Today we have almost everything, although resources are limited, the market offers us the most diverse products that we can use as part of the intake.
Many people choose to discard meat and consume healthier products instead. Every country has a different tradition, and we all eat different foods, but I believe most of us do not try to use pets as part of our diet.
We have seen many times on social media, how in China, more and more people are selling dogs on the black market as part of the daily food of the people. I do not even know, if this heinous act will ever stop, this thought makes me feel scared.
Some time ago, a guest service coordinator and dog lover, Misha Rackcliff Hunt, 27, from Charleston, South Carolina, adopted a three-year-old abusive puppy, Emma Roo, on April 26, 2020.
A puppy named Emma was estimated to be about eight weeks old and was fortunately rescued from a slaughterhouse in Xi’an, China, in 2017. Her front legs were removed, the tips of her ears were shaved, and part of her tail was missing.
In the dog meat trade, it is believed that cutting off a dog’s limbs without anesthetic creates adrenaline that will make the remaining meat tender.
Fortunately, Emma was rescued and taken to a vet in Beijing, where it was suggested that a small toe defect could cause breeders to reject her. Emma was hospitalized again for two years but unfortunately ended up in the clinic in 2019.
Rescue teams from a non-profit organization in South Florida have been searching for the Dalmatian owner, knowing that adopting rescue dogs abroad is more popular than in China.
When Misha came across Emma, noticing her on the Internet, he immediately formed an unbreakable relationship with the cute puppy.
After the torture, the puppy was afraid of any sounds of a chainsaw such as a hair dryer, vacuum cleaner, and lawn mower.
Fortunately, Emma finally arrived in the US on January 28, 2020, just a few weeks before the export of animals was banned for COVID-19.
Originally seen on pawsitiveclub