Bread Whiskers, The Adorable Chubby Little Bird That Appears To Have Two Large Whiskers Near Its Eyes

We have learned that nature can amaze us in the most unthinkable and wonderful way possible. We are not only talking about a landscape, a sunset, a particular phenomenon, but also, and above all the animals that, with us, inhabit it. If we think of a chickadee, we have in mind the “standard” image of one of the many small birds that we see around us.
But not all birds are the same, and we often come across incredibly original creatures that, due to their unique characteristics, seem almost fictitious. We present here the mustache breadcrumbs, which, just with its name, makes it clear that it has a singular characteristic!
Scientifically, she is called Panurus biarmicus , in English Bearded Reedling, and her appearance makes her quite simply unique from the eyes to the beak, she has two dark markings that look like a characteristic ” mustache “.
But that’s not all because besides the dark markings on the head, the tit also has a peculiar oval shape, which makes it look like a very soft “ball of feather” .
The Panurus is known from a wide variety of specimens , and is found in different parts of Europe, Asia and North Africa.
“Whiskers” are only present in males , while females do not, apart from the fact that the latter generally have darker beaks.
Their acrobatic flights and song make them recognizable even from afar. Likewise, the tail, as long as the body (around 8 cm) is another distinctive element.
The whiskered breadcrumbs are thus a bird quite simply superb: with its soft colors and its “beard”, it is truly a sympathetic creature. We just have to hope, sooner or later, to see one with our own eyes!