It’s Behind You – Startled Giraffe Darts Away From Sneaky Elephant

Hilarious photos show an angry elephant chase after some startled giraffes who tried to share his waterhole.
Janet Kleyn, 52, snapped the dramatic scenes, which occurred at the Mashatu Game Reserve, Botswana.
The giraffes try to cool off in the waterhole but are quickly startled by the mischievous elephant calf, who decided he didn’t want to share.
The elephant returns to the water as the giraffes dash away.
Janet said: “We were photographing giraffes drinking at a waterhole in the Kruger National Park and in the distance we could hear a herd of elephants approaching the water.
“As soon as the elephants came through the trees and caught sight of the giraffes at the water this young elephant starting trumpeting and running at them. Elephants in general are not fond of other animals sharing their space at a water hole and will often chase them off.
“The youngsters in particular like to chase off other animals, mostly it is not serious but occasionally an animal may be injured – In this case all the giraffe just ran off.”