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Girl With Autism Cries Uncontrollably, Her Service Dog Tells Her Not To Worry

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Charlie is an autism service dog who is dedicated to being a solid support system to his human – a little girl named Rebecca. In this video, we see Charlie putting his evolved therapy skills to good use when he sees Rebecca suffering an unexplained meltdown in the middle of the day.

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Due to Rebecca’s underdeveloped verbal strength, she is unable to communicate what is bothering her. She is taken to a sensory-friendly playroom to help her cope with the situation, and Charlie makes sure he follows her. As she drops onto the bed and cries inconsolably, Charlie positions himself beside her to provide her with the much-needed emotional support.

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An overwhelmed Rebecca pets Charlie with her feet while she’s still screaming intensely and shedding tears. The sensory stimulus of petting Charlie gives her a window of distraction that calms her down considerably. She then shifts her focus by playing fetch with him, which completely expels the nerve-racking thoughts about her source of stress.

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This video summarizes Rebecca and Charlie’s crisis mode interaction. Rebecca’s weakened motor planning and her inability to have the assertive voice to give commands is quite evident, so it all falls upon Charlie to prevent her breakdown from getting out of hand. We are so proud of this duo and their intuitive bond. Don’t forget to keep your volume up for this video!

Click the video below to watch how Charlie efficiently managed Rebecca’s meltdown.

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Originally seen on ilovemydogssomuch

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