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Dog Was So Heavily Abused And Neglected, They Gave Her A Zero Chance Of Survival

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When “The Dog Rescuers” received a foster request for a dog named Angelita (or Angel), they were horrified to see her rescue pictures.

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The 2-year-old dog had suffered extreme neglect and abuse, and her owner had left her to die of starvation. As the foster home brought Angel in, they were not sure if she would make it another day.

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The severe mange, sores and emaciation made Angel look like a stone statue, but it was the utter pain and desolation that drove her to the point of no return.

However, with the help of her dedicated caretakers and her doting foster siblings, Angel embraced the possibility of a second chance. But just when her recovery seemed possible again, she got more bad news when she got diagnosed with cancer.

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Angel’s caretakers knew that she didn’t come this far just to surrender to cancer. She was a death-defying fighter who had heroically regained her spark.

So after many tests, the vet team prepped her up for a risky surgery. Miraculously, the surgery worked! Angel was finally free to live her life away from the shackles of abuse, disease, pain and misery!

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Angel eventually blossomed into the pretty darling that she is today! She found the most loving family and is now living it up with her parents and doggie siblings in her awesome forever home. Her foster caretakers were emotional to bid farewell to their most precious resident, but they know this happy-go-lucky girl will win hearts wherever she goes!

Click the video below to watch Angel’s journey as she defeated death again and again and found her ultimate happiness.

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Originally appeared on: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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