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A Neglected Dog Named Bear Is Cut Free From His Chain Of 15 Years

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It’s hard to imagine getting a dog and eventually losing interest in it leading to neglect and abuse. The moment we take in a pet, they are family and should always be treated as such.

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It’s not hard to treat such a loyal companion with the same amount of love they show you. But somehow, this is lost on some people and it’s why we have so many cases of abandonment all over the world.

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For 15 years of this dog’s life, Bear was kept outside locked up on a chain. This is no life for any animal. But thankfully, the dog’s owners came to their senses in a way and gave him up to the Guardians of Rescue.

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They cut him free for the first time in his life, and as of that very moment, his life was already so much better.

Bear would spend his first few days of his new life walking a beach and taking in all the sights and smells! But the best part? He got a new mom! But she has one strict rule: whatever Bear wants, Bear gets. 😉

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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