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A Circus In Germany Uses Holograms Instead Of Animals

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As an animal lover I need to say I totally disagree with the zoos and the circuses. Still, this circus in Germany managed to really impress me. After all, it looks like the zoos all over the world are trying to change the concepts on which they are based. Those days when wild animals were kept always locked in cages are long gone

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Most of the time, the things were worse at circuses, then in zoos. However, the new tendency shows that circuses are walking a path in the opposite direction, sometimes even in a radical way and, for this, they are resorting to the latest available technologies, the Science News Reporter reports.

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It is the case of Circus Roncalli, in Germany. On their shows, they allow visitors to enjoy the sight of animals in full action, just they are not actually animals. In order to stop the animal mistreatment, the circus found the perfect scenario. They replaced the animals with realistic holograms, being the first circus in the world with this brilliant idea.

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According to the Science News Reporter, the animations made by computer are projected to real size and shown in a spectacular way. And the technology allows to animals as elephants, wild horses or monkeys to do acrobatics on the stage.

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The Circus Roncalli has a few decades history, but now they decided to replace wild animals with projectors, lasers and lenses . Let’s hope other circuses will fallow their example!

Thanks to technology, many animals get rid of being locked up living in captivity, while humans can enjoy their virtual presence in this incredible way.

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Originally appeared on homesluxury

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