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Massive St. Bernards Raise Baby Goat As Their Own

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We’ve been witnessed to so many acts of kindness and unlikely friendships between animals of different species. And when it comes to caring of those in need, nothing compares with a dog’s heart. Apparently, the man’s best friend, could easily be called everyone’s best friend. And these two giant St. Bernards are no less

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Julie and Basiel are two adorable dogs who live at a farm in Belgium. And despite their big stature, they’re nothing but gentle giants. A role proved by the dog’s kindness to all the animals they live with. In fact, ever since they got there, the two St. Bernards act like some overprotective parents and took care of every animal at the farm. Chicks, cows, donkeys and even cats, they all find comfort in Julie and Basiel.

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However, despite being so kind with everyone, the giant dogs formed a very special relationship with the most spirited habitant at the farm, Hans – a baby goat. Ever since, the tiny goat was brought in, the protective dogs stepped in and assumed the parenting role.

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“He learns a lot from the dogs,” Isolde, the trio’s mom, told The Dodo. “They don’t bother the chickens so he doesn’t either. He loves sunbathing with the dogs, he loves going for walks with me and the dogs, but he likes napping with the dogs most.”

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It’s so wonderful to see how animals of different species are peacefully living together, taking care of each other. Maybe it is time for us to learn something from them!

He likes climbing stuff too, preferably the dogs,” Isolde said.

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Originally seen on homesluxury.net

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