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Woman Rescues Tiniest Calf From Livestock Auction And Introduces Him To Her Dog

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There’s always benefit in doing something good, especially without expecting something in return. Hindu philosophy already covered this concept, which they call Karma.

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Doing good things will eventually result in good or positive aspects in your life, and it might even become the key to making your dreams come true. Believe it or not, this is probably how this woman achieved in building her own animal sanctuary.

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This woman one day decided to save an animal in need.

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In 2017, Susan Klingenberg made a bucket list, and on that list, she planned on going to a livestock auction to save a life. Although livestock auction markets are responsible for the trade of livestock, cattle, and their produce, there’s something we should know about them.

Hundreds or maybe thousands of livestock are shipped from auction to auction, and if they’re not sold, they had to wait until the next auction. Their lives are caught in a cycle of abuse, as they have very limited or unclear access to food and water, and if one catches a disease, it could eventually spread to all the others.

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Yet, they’re still being driven with filthy transport trucks to the next destination. It frustrates Susan that she couldn’t do anything to all these poor animals.

She finally got the chance to join a livestock auction and she found the tiniest calf there.

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The calves were presented first in the auction, and during that time she saw one tiny calf that at first sight, she already knew she’s going to get him.

She waited for anyone to bid first, but no one took an interest in the poor calf. She went for as low as $10, and to her surprise, no one bid against her. She carried the calf to her trailer and drove home satisfied.

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Susan was determined to give the calf life a better life and she also had someone to help her with that

The calf, which Susan named Bucket, had to spend his first night inside the house because it was chilly. She had a dog Colton, but it was baby Bucket who called dibs to lie on Colton’s bed. She didn’t expect that by the next day, they’re already forming a bond.

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The funny thing is, Bucket is just as big as her dog at the time. She was quite unsure of the idea at first.

“In my mind, I didn’t know, like, ‘Oh, should I put my dog with my calf?’ because I didn’t know if that was a normal thing,” she told The Dodo. “And so I just took a chance, just put them together.”

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The two grew up together with a bond stronger than anyone.

They were inseparable. Susan would always see Colton and Bucket spend their time running and wrestling. Even when Bucket grew bigger, that didn’t stop them from playing in the fields.

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One day, Bucket already grew up to be the size of an actual cow, but he’s pretty considerate when playing with his best friend. She would kneel for Colton and lets himself be wrestled by her.

Susan never expected that Bucket was the key to achieving one of her bigger dreams in life.

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In 2018, Susan took a chance to get a bigger farm and adopt other animals like Bucket. In September, they moved to Virginia where she founded her very first non-profit animal sanctuary that she named Little Buckets Farm Sanctuary.

At that time, she only had 5 horses, 2 pigs, 2 cows, 8 goats, 2 dogs, and herself. With her passion, it eventually became home to many farm animals no matter how big or small.

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Bucket, the first animal she saved because of her little bucket list, unknowingly paved the way to make Susan’s grand dream come true. To show your support to Susan and the Little Buckets Farm Sanctuary, make sure to drop by their website as well as their channel on YouTube.

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Originally seen on animalchannel

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