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Dinner parties

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Dinner parties
See also: Party § Dinner party
See also: dining in

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Women in formal dress at dinner at Oxford Female Institute, Ohio, United States, date unknown.
A dinner party is a social gathering at which people congregate to eat dinner.[12] Dinners exist on a spectrum, from a basic meal, to a state dinner.[14]

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Ancient Rome
During the times of Ancient Rome, a dinner party was referred to as a convivia, and was a significant event for Roman emperors and senators to congregate and discuss their relations.[15] The Romans often ate and were also very fond of fish sauce called liquamen (also known as Garum) during said parties.[16]

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In London (c. 1875–c. 1900), dinner parties were formal occasions that included printed invitations and formal RSVPs.[17] The food served at these parties ranged from large, extravagant food displays and several meal courses to more simple fare and food service.[17] Activities sometimes included singing and poetry reciting, among others.[17]

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Formal dinners
A formal dinner has several requirements. First, it requires the participants to wear an evening attire such as a tuxedo, with either a black or white tie; second, all food is served from the kitchen; third, “neither serving dishes nor utensils are placed on the table. All service and table clearing is performed by butlers and other service staff;” fourth multiple courses are served; and finally there is an order of service and seating protocols.[14]

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