With severe scabies and unable to open her eyes, fox begged for help

The life of wild animals isn’t always so easy. The problem is that, while it is not necessarily bad, it exposes them even more to contracting all kinds of diseases.
One of the most frequent in this type of wild creatures is mange. In recent days, a small fox was found in the city of Louisville, Kentucky, United States, with its fur almost completely eaten away by this irritating skin disease.
Members of the animal rights organization Second Chances Wildlilfe Center found the animal and soon realized the seriousness of its condition.
Outbreaks of scabies all over his body even affected his vision.
He couldn’t look away. In fact, he was very lucky to come across the group of activists, who immediately took him to a medical center to check the real condition of the little fox.
There, among professional, dedicated, and loving hands, the canine ancestor started to receive the proper treatment and care, which meant for her a second chance at life. A media outlet followed the whole story and this is how we learned about her recovery process.
Scabies had taken hold, so it was not easy to cure her and return her to her natural habitat. She was very suspicious, so every day her caretaker did everything possible to make her convalescence as comfortable as possible.
Gradually the animal regained heart and strength, and lost its initial fear of the man.
Suddenly, a radical change in her appearance began to occur and she slowly returned to being the little fox she was before.
“Your fur has come back to life and the color it always had, those are the effects of receiving love”, one user commented.
Once her recovery was evident, she was slowly released into an enclosed park so that she could continue her healing process while she was not in the veterinary hospital.
“It’s beautiful to see how a group of people can change the life of a wild animal, restoring its beautiful fur and also improving its possibilities in the forest”, says another comment to the publication.
Actually, we agree with the opinions expressed by the internet users, because the change that this animal gave was indescribable. His life was significantly improved by this noble institution that saved him and made him the beautiful little fox he is today.
Share this story of love and dedication for animals with your loved ones.
Originally appeared on: Zoorprendente