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Severely Injured Dog Abandoned On The Side Of The Road Had A Note Taped To His Collar

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A small black and white dog was found by a passerby on the side of the road with damaged hind legs. Even sadder, the dog was wearing a collar with a note attached: “FREE DOG.”

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Amanda Brown Barley, the woman who found the dog, immediately posted the poor animal on social media looking for someone to help. Fortunately, a local rescue stepped in to assist the dog.

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The Arrow Fund is known to provide emergency medical care for animals shot with guns or arrows, tied to trees and left to starve or thrown from or dragged by vehicles.

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But this dog was different.

“We received a tag on Facebook; we immediately responded,” TAF President and Founder Rebecca Eaves said. “A Good Samaritan found a dog on the side of the road severely injured, and what caught our attention (was) this collar that says FREE DOG, and it just broke our hearts. And he is at Blue Pearl now, in the back being assessed at this very moment.”

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Vets discovered that the Blue Heeler had a broken femur, a possible broken broken pelvis, several gashes to his elbow, and ruptured anal glands.

“People just discarding animals like trash and shooting them themselves, poisoning them, and throwing them in the ravines and it’s a problem,” Eaves said.

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Dogs are being abandoned more and more since some shelters aren’t taking owner-surrendered animals.

“We need some type of solution so that some of this agony for these animals will stop,” Eaves said.

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The dog underwent surgery Monday evening and is expected to make a full recovery.

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