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Cat Rescued Hours Before Death Row, Cannot Stop Thanking His Rescuer On Their Way Home

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With just hours left on death row, this adorable kitten named Henry was saved. The way he thanked his rescuer is just too cute, writes boredpanda.

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“One of our dedicated foster carers (Adelle) rescued this gorgeous boy today from the pound,” Cat Rescue Newcastle said. “He had a matter of hours before his time was up but we swooped in and did what we do best; saved a life.” Henry was so grateful, he couldn’t stop cuddling and kissing his rescuer. Adelle even managed to find a forever home for him and Henry couldn’t be happier. “These are the days we live for,” Cat Rescue Newcastle said.

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This adorable cat named Henry had only hours left on death row

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Until a dedicated foster carer named Adelle swooped in to save him from the pound

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Adelle even found him a forever home

And Henry couldn’t be happier

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This story originally appeared on boredpanda.com

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