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Sick Baby Elephant Was Rejected By The Herd, Becomes New Best Friend With A Dog

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The Thula Thula Rhino Orphanage in South Africa is home to many endangered wildlife species like rhinos, leopards, zebras, and elephants, among others. This is the story of Ellie, a baby elephant, who was found dying after being rejected by his herd, writes ilovemydogsomuch.

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Ellie was born with a slew of ailments which heavily pulled down his chances of survival. The sanctuary workers didn’t think he would be able to make it on his own, so they fed him and nursed him for many days and nights until his health finally started to improve!

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However, elephants are known to be very social beings who usually cannot thrive outside their herd. So, even when Ellie regained his health, he was still a depressed and lethargic baby with no will to live. Since his herd wouldn’t accept him, the workers tried to help him find solace with a former service and sniffer dog, a German Shepherd named Duma.

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In this precious video, we see how Duma helped Ellie survive against all odds. Ellie developed a spark for life under Duma’s loving and gentle presence. Ellie still has a long road of recovery ahead of him, but with Duma by his side, that road doesn’t seem so lonely for him anymore!

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Click the video below to watch Ellie and Duma’s precious bond with each other!

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