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Vet shaves 2lbs of matted fur in emergency haircut and reveals seriously adorable cat underneath

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Working in an animal shelter isn’t easy. Veterinarians and animal medical technicians experience a lot of things -both good and bad- on a daily basis.

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Julie Bolchalk, an animal medical technician, received a call about a neglected animal.

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With her team in the Arizona Humane Society, she went to rescue Fluffer. Her human had passed away and there was no one looking after her.

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When she saw the animal, Julie was shocked.
She recalled:

“I have seen some rather horrific cases in my time rescuing animals, but had never seen matting this bad – they were larger than her entire body.”

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At first, they couldn’t tell what animal Fluffer was.

The matting was so bad that they couldn’t figure out her true form. The matted fur was so big and heavy.

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The team had to spend an hour removing the excess fur.

It was likely painful for the animal. Surprisingly, Fluffer didn’t react negatively. In fact, she behaved like a proper lady.

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Julie shared:

“She was very sweet and got groomed without having to be sedated which is a miracle.”
They were able to shave away 2 pounds of matted hair. That’s a quarter of Fluffer’s total weight!

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After the long process of shaving, the animal’s true beauty was finally revealed.

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Fluffer is a cat! And she’s a very adorable kitty. She has these really soulful yellow eyes and a sweet face. She’s quite patient, too. Although her cut didn’t end up that pretty, she didn’t mind.

Losing her family

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Seeing Fluffer in such a bad shape can make anyone feel bad. In fact, it can trigger feelings of anger towards her human.

However, her story wasn’t really just about cruelty. It’s more like a sad story of losing the one you love. In this case, it was her family.

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Fortunately, Fluffer’s got a new home!
After shaving the matted fur, the vet at the Arizona Humane Society took a good look at the precious cat. They checked everything about her to make sure she’s healthy and ready for adoption. And the good news? She’s perfectly healthy!

When the AHS shared the cat’s story on Instagram, it got more than 1,000 likes in just 2 days.

Their post on Facebook was well-received, too.

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A lot of people found her story heartwarming.
One Facebook user said:

“what a pretty girl! im so glad that she was able to find a home so quickly, it’s what she deserves!♥️“
Another one reacted:

“Thank you for rescuing her and finding her a forever home! She’s beautiful!!”
There was also this person who was left in awe after seeing how the shelter was able to shave Fluffer properly. She said:

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“I can’t even imagine how you start grooming that? Do you just start at the top and work your way down? Good job on keeping her whiskers!!”
And after the shelter’s posts, Fluffer got adopted right away. The Public Relations Manager at AHS didn’t find it surprising.

She shared:

“She is an absolute sweetheart.”
Fluffer’s story inspires hope. Even though she was neglected, she was able to find a family that can take care of her for the rest of her life.

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