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Abandoned Newborn Kitten Fought For Survival And Found A Loving Home

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Even when it’s hard to accept, we can’t deny the fact that there are still countless kittens and puppies abandoned on the streets each day right after they are born. And sadly, not many neonates could survive such a situation.

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Buzz, however, was a lucky boy. They found the kitten alongside his siblings in a box in Vista, California when their umbilical cords were still attached to their bodies, which meant the four were only about one day old. No one had any idea what happened to their mother, maybe she passed away, or maybe her owner just didn’t know how to handle so many lives. After hearing about these tiny cats, the Love Your Feral Felines (LYFF) quickly took them all in and handed them to a kind foster mom who happened to be taking care of a nursing mother cat at that moment.

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However, things didn’t go well as they pictured. All of the newborns stubbornly refused the milk from the mother cat, or even the syringe. Their health condition got worse too fast, so the LYFF had to count on the help of a more experienced fosterer – Amanda Hodder, the founder of the Kitten Rescue Life. Hearing about their case, the kind-hearted woman immediately got on the road and drove for hours to pick these babies up.

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“They had a rocky start,” Amanda shared about the four kittens. “They were my youngest bottle babies so far, at one day old and the smallest one being just 80 grams. They had tummy issues, problems keeping weight on, started to lose appetite and began losing weight. After about a week of subcutaneous fluids, albon, and karo on the gums they started to perk back up.”

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Amanda called her newly fostered babies the “appreciation litter”. And to thank their donors for helping these sweeties come to life, she decided to let them name these kids. Hence, our little Buzz got his first name: Fat Boy the II.

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Fat Boy was kind of introverted, it took Amanda a while to finally be able to befriend this boy.

“Fat Boy is finally coming around,” Amanda shared on Facebook one day. “Unlike his siblings he was very shy and it took me longer to gain his trust and snuggle time.”

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However, the name didn’t suit him so well. The feline was the only one among the “appreciation litter” that had trouble gaining weight, and was also the last one to stay when all of his siblings were adopted.

So, to make sure Fat Boy didn’t feel lonely, Amanda sent him to another foster home to spend time with other cats. He was called “Fancy Boy” during his short stay there.

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After so many ups and downs, Fat Boy still managed to find a home, but in a way that they just couldn’t imagine. A woman accidentally saw his pictures on the internet and immediately informed her friend Mallory – who had just lost a cat that looked so, so similar to our Fat Boy!

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Mallory contacted the LYFF right away, and after 9 hours of driving, Amanda and Fat Boy finally arrived at Mallory’s house in Reno, Nevada.

The strong boy is now living a great life with his brother Bolt under his new name: Buzz.

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It was such a long journey for Buzz, but we’re all happy that he has overcome the tough past and grown up into such a cheerful and sweet boy now. Good luck, baby!

Please share Buzz’s wonderful story with your loved ones!

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