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Cananga is a small genus of trees in the family Annonaceae: native to Indo-China and Malesia, bit introduced elsewhere.[2] One of its species, Cananga odorata, is important as the source of the perfume ylang-ylang.[3]

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Two species are recognized:[2][4]

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Cananga brandisiana (Pierre) Saff., syn. Cananga latifolia (Hook.f. & Thomson) Finet & Gagnep.
Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook.f. & Thomson
Cananga latifolia is listed as a separate species in some sources,[5] but the basionym, Unona latifolia Hook.f. & Thomson, is a later homonym of Unona latifolia Dunal and so is not an acceptable name. Unona brandisiana was explicitly proposed as a replacement name.[4]

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