× Crataemespilus

× Crataemespilus (or Cratae-mespilus) is the generic name applied to hybrids between the genera Crataegus and Mespilus. It should not be confused with +Crataegomespilus, which is applied to graft-chimeras between those genera.
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The species hybrids that are known are:[2][3]
xCrataemespilus canescens (J.B.Phipps) J.B.Phipps
xCrataemespilus gillotii E.G.Camus, hybrids between M. germanica and C. monogyna
xCrataemespilus grandiflora (Sm.) E.G.Camus, hybrids between M. germanica and C. laevigata (originally named Mespilus grandiflora Sm.).