
Cryptotaenia, or honewort,[1] is a genus of herbaceous perennial plants, native to North America, Africa, and eastern Asia, growing wild in moist, shady places.
Species accepted by The Plant List as of August 2014. Some studies have suggested that the African and Canary Island species should be moved to other genera and that the Italian endemic Lereschia thomasii should be included in Cryptotaenia, but we list them here provisionally pending further study.[2][3][4]
Cryptotaenia africana (Hook.f.) Drude – Gabon[5]
Cryptotaenia calycina C.C.Towns. – Tanzania[6]
Cryptotaenia canadensis (L.) DC. – eastern + central North America[7]
Cryptotaenia elegans Webb ex Bolle – Canary Islands[8]
Cryptotaenia flahaultii (Woronow) Koso-Pol. – Republic of Georgia[9]
Cryptotaenia japonica Hassk. – Japan, Korea, China[10]
Cryptotaenia polygama C.C.Towns. – Tanzania[11]