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Xerochrysum (syn. Bracteantha) is a genus of flowering plants native to Australia. It was defined by Russian botanist Nikolai Tzvelev in 1990, preceding (and taking precedence over) Bracteantha which was described the following year.[1][2] A 2002 molecular study of the tribe Gnaphalieae has indicated the genus is probably polyphyletic, with X. bracteatum and X. viscosum quite removed from each other.[3]

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This genus and its species names were formerly included in Bracteantha and before that in Helichrysum.

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As of January 2014 the authoritative Australian Plant Name Index recognises seven formally named species and five accepted species awaiting formal naming, description and publication:[4]

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Xerochrysum bicolor (Lindl.) R.J.Bayer – Tasmania
Xerochrysum bracteatum (Vent.) Tzvelev, Strawflower or golden everlasting – NSW, Vic, Tas, SA, Qld, NT, WA
Xerochrysum collierianum A.M.Buchanan – Tasmania
Xerochrysum palustre (Flann) R.J.Bayer, Swamp everlasting, syn.: Bracteantha sp. aff. subundulata – Vic, Tas
Xerochrysum papillosum (Labill.) R.J.Bayer – Vic, Tas
Xerochrysum subundulatum (Sch.Bip.) R.J.Bayer, Alpine everlasting or orange everlasting – NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas
Xerochrysum viscosum (Sieber ex DC.) R.J.Bayer, Sticky everlasting – NSW, ACT, Qld, Vic

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